Terms & condition - NextGen


These Terms and Conditions govern your relationship with Next Gen ltd. They apply to all our Treatment Packages. By accepting them, you are legally bound by them. So please read them carefully.


The information and services provided on this website are conditioned upon your acceptance, without modification and your use of the www.nextgenltd.co.uk website constitutes agreement with such terms. Next Gen Ltd reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove temporarily or permanently any of these terms and conditions. Next Gen ltd shall not be liable to any user or third party for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance.


“Agreement” – This Agreement.

“Terms and Conditions” – These Terms and Conditions.

“Schedule” – A document outlining the details of the specific Treatment Package you intend to purchase.

“We” – Next Gen ltd

“Trading Name” – Next Gen.

“Service Provider” – The hospital, private clinic, surgeon or any other medical professional providing your consultation, examination, medical procedure and aftercare.

“Destination” – The place (the country and/or city) to which you will be travelling for your medical treatment.

“Treatment Package” – The combination of surgery, accommodation, private transfers, host and pre-operative tests (if required) you have chosen.

“Procedure” – The medical treatment or surgery you have chosen to undertake.


1.1. Depending on your choice of services, your Treatment Package price will include the costs of one or more of the following:

  • a) Surgery.
  • b) Accommodation.
  • c) Private transfers.
  • d) Host.
  • e) Any pre-operative tests you are advised to take.

1.2. You will incur additional charges for any tests considered necessary because of a pre-existing condition or your exposure or vulnerability to any condition.

1.3. Your treatment package may include stay at the hospital. In cases where you stay more than the nights included in the package, additional nights will be charged to you at the current rates of the service provider.


2.1. Limitation of liability: Next Gen ltd does not provide medical advice nor does operate or control any Service Provider facility or service rendered by them. Your treatment forms and prompts a contractual relationship between you and the Service Provider providing the treatment. We do not hold medical qualifications and shall not be held responsible or liable for any medical procedures provided through your chosen Service Provider. Nor shall we be held responsible or liable for any care, treatment or other services you are provided with by the same, or for any malpractice claims that may arise directly or indirectly from their advice. Similarly, we shall not take any responsibility or liability for the complications and dissatisfactions arising from Service Provider’s treatments. Our role is solely to facilitate a consultation and/or dialogue between you and your Service Provider. We strongly recommend that you read Service Provider’s terms and conditions and consent forms carefully prior to proceeding with your treatments.

2.2. The treatment plans offered by us as a result of meetings, email exchanges, telephone conversations or video consultations are purely based on the information (i.e. the pictures, test results, prescriptions, x-rays, etc) provided by you and reviewed by the Service Provider. Therefore, your treatment plan may change when the Service Provider examines you in person before your Procedure.

2.3. If such a change occurs, you have the option not to go ahead. In such circumstances, you will receive a refund after deductions for, among other things, tests and consultations. Please be advised that we are not responsible for refunding your accommodation, travel and transfer costs as those arrangements are made through third party providers, which are not in our control nor operated by us.

2.4. If you want to proceed with the new treatment plan, then you will receive a revised price quotation, and the balance to the Service Provider will be adjusted, based on the initial payments made. The number of days that you would need to stay will be factored in. If the treatment plan changes, the duration of stay may also change. Next Gen ltd takes no responsibility for this and cannot be held liable for the non-arrangement or disorganisation of extra days stayed or extra cost of stay.

2.5. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you agree not to hold Next Gen ltd responsible for medical negligence or malpractice by your chosen Service Provider.

2.6. Non-Disparagement: By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you agree not to attack or criticise Next Gen ltd or any of its employee, associate or partner publicly (review websites, social media networks, blogs, public forums etc.) in regards to Service Provider’s treatments and actions. As Next Gen ltd cannot be held responsible for the services, medical treatments and procedures provided by the Service Provider, you agree not to bring bad name to our company or any of its employees or take action that negatively affects its reputation, services or management at any time during or subsequent to contract period.


3.1. As part of this contract, we will provide you with Schedules containing the following information:

  • a) Detailed Information about your package;
  • b) Detailed information about the costs of your package;
  • c) Detailed information about visa and passport requirements (this information can also be obtained from https://www.evisa.gov.tr/en/)
  • d) Information about health formalities required for the journey and the stay

3.2. Before you start your journey, we will provide you with information about your journey. This information will be provided in good time and will include the following:

  • a) The times and places of intermediate stops and transport connections.
  • b) The name, address and telephone number of your Service Provider or of an agency in that locality on whose assistance you can call.

3.3 We do not operate or control the services offered by the service provider, hotel, travel or transfer companies. By accepting this agreement, you agree that use of third party providers is without warranties of any kind by us. Under no circumstances are we liable for any damages arising from the transactions between you and third party healthcare, accommodation, travel or transfer providers. We advise you to obtain and read all of the third party provider’s terms and conditions before acquiring booking from us.

3.4. If we have to cancel or change your booking, we will contact you. In such circumstances, you can choose to rearrange your Procedure with us or cancel your booking and get a refund calculated on a scale. However, we are not responsible for any losses or expenses you suffer because of circumstances beyond our control. Circumstances beyond our control or force majeure include the following:

  • a) Flight delays or cancellations
  • b) Terrorist activity, war
  • c) Civil unrest, strike
  • d) Bad weather such as hurricanes, flooding etc.
  • e) Earthquake

3.5 The Schedules we will provide to you containing the above information will form part of this contract and should be read in conjunction with it.


Perusal of our literature

4.1. You will peruse the literature made available to you, including information contained on our website in connection with matters set out at paragraph 3.1., before you accept this agreement. By accepting this agreement you accept and agree that you have read and understood the information made available to you.
Travel information, passports, Visas and documentation

4.2. You are responsible for ensuring you have the following:

  • a) A valid, acceptable passport.
  • b) A visa, if necessary.
  • c) Other documentation.

4.3. If asked for, you are responsible for submitting, in advance of travel, passenger information to your airline.

4.4. You must meet the entry requirements for both your final Destinations and any stop-off points en-route.

4.5. You accept that in the event of your failure to satisfy the requirements of paragraphs 4.1., 4.2. and 4.3., or the information or documents provided by you being incorrect, you may be refused carriage and entry to the country you are visiting. You accept and acknowledge that in the event of this eventuality you will be solely responsible for all resultant losses and Next Gen ltd will accept no responsibility or liability thereof.

4.6. You are solely responsible for any fines or costs (including the costs of an immediate return flight) you accrue because of your failure to travel with the required passport, visa or other documentation. Next Gen ltd accepts no liability in this situation and no compensation, expenses, refund or other sum will be paid.

4.7. Next Gen ltd does not accept responsibility for you missing your flight, including your connections. You are responsible for providing all necessary documents, including passports and visas.
Health precautions

4.8. You will get health advice about your specific needs, or any required or recommended vaccinations well in advance of travel. This information can be obtained from, among others, the following websites:


4.9. You should also seek advice from your local GP.

4.10. It is a condition of your purchasing a Treatment Package from us that you take out insurance with an approved insurer. This is required to indemnify you for any losses suffered because of insolvency, travel problems or medical issues. Your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions constitutes acceptance of this obligation.


5.1. Before your journey begins, we must submit details of your medical history to your chosen Service Provider. This is partly to ensure your suitability for the planned surgery. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you agree to our sharing of the details of your medical history, including your pictures, test results, prescriptions, x-rays, with your Service Provider. We are not liable if the medical history form has not been completed thoroughly or honestly or if any information is withheld.

5.2. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you permit us to obtain your patient file (including your treatment plan, examination and treatment results along with before and after pictures) from the Service Provider for our records. We assure you that we will not sell or otherwise transfer your personal information to any party for any purpose other than to provide the services you request.


6.1. You may, at any time, cancel your booking by notifying us in writing. The cancellation will take effect from the day on which we receive written notification of your cancellation. The scale of charges payable will depend upon when the notification of cancellation is received. However, the cancellation charge will always be limited to actual expenses incurred and disbursements made, reserving the provision of the article 3.4. In the event of a cancellation, your deposit will be kept as a reservation fee.


7.1. We will hold your details, including your medical records, in the strictest of confidence. We will not disclose your data, records or information without your consent and will only share it with those concerned with your treatment.


8.1 To ensure your privacy, Next Gen ltd maintains all patient information in compliance with Turkish laws regarding the release and disclosure of personal health information. The before and after pictures of you can be used for demonstrative purposes and might be presented only to show possible results from various procedures. We hereby undertake that images of patients will not be retouched or enhanced in anyway to change the appearance of procedure or treatment. We will not sell or rent your personal information to third parties. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you consent to probable use of your before and after pictures by us in order to operate and improve our site, to process your transactions, to provide customer service, to perform research and analysis aimed at improving our products, services and technologies, and to display content that is customised to your interests and preferences.


9.1. This Agreement is governed by the law of England and Wales, and is subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Meet the next gen team.

The next gen team has been supporting patients from all over the world for the last five years, and the importance of patient satisfaction sits at the heart of everything we do.


In the interest of transparency, our team travel the length of the UK, hosting open evenings in major cities, where we get to know our patients, answer questions relating to the procedures and present to you precisely what you can expect from the next gen process.

  • London
  • Liverpool
  • Manchester
  • Birmingham
  • Dublin
  • Leeds
  • Glasgow
  • Newcastle
  • Belfast
  • Bristol
  • Cardiff
  • Brentwood, Essex

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