Dental Implants in Turkey - NextGen

On top of the implant is an abutment made of titanium or zirconium, upon which the crown rests.


The crown is then firmly attached to the abutment, which functions and looks identical to a normal, natural tooth. Typically, crowns are made of ceramic or porcelain.


Dental implants are currently the most durable and long-lasting option for replacing damaged or missing teeth, as they have been repeatedly demonstrated to be significantly more durable and resilient than any alternative.

Dental Implants Overview

Procedure: Dental Implants as a Procedural
Procedure Time: 2-4 Hours
In/Outpatient: Outpatient
Anaesthetic: Local anaesthesia
Location: Specialized Cosmetic Dentistry Clinic Location
Possible Side Effects: Possible adverse effects include soreness, mild swelling, and bleeding.
Recovery Time: 4 weeks
Expected Result: The expected outcome is an improvement in the appearance and brilliance of teeth.

Dental Implants Travel Plan & Journal



  • Arrival at Istanbul International Airport.
  • Transfer from the airport to the hotel check-in desk.
  • Your cosmetic dentistry clinic will contact you to arrange transportation to the clinic. If you arrive late, you will depart the following morning.



  • Once you have arrived at the clinic, your dentist will prepare you for the dental implant procedure
  • Implants will be placed, and the gums will be given time to heal.



  • Relax and enjoy your holiday.



  • Relax and enjoy your holiday.



  • Relax and enjoy your holiday.



  • During your final appointment, all abutments and temporary teeth will be fitted.
  • After you check out of the hotel, you will be transferred to the airport.

How much do Dental Implants?

Dental Implants in the UK cost between: £800- £1400 per tooth

NextGen Denatal Implants start from £440 per tooth

It is crucial to comprehend the cost of dental implant treatment and the reasons for its variation. Compared to Turkey, many British and European clinics overcharge for their services. This is primarily due to the expenses they must cover to generate a profit. You will not regret overpaying for the exact same service. Join the tens of thousands of patients who annually travel to Turkey for dental implant treatment.


Types of Dental Implants.

There are various types of dental implants, ranging from a single implant to a complete set of teeth and gums. These are categorised as follows:


Single dental implant

A single dental implant replaces a single missing or damaged tooth. The implant will be positioned within the jawbone, and a crown will be attached to it.


Bridge supported by implants

A bridge supported by implants is used to replace several adjacently missing teeth. If three teeth in a row are missing, for instance, two implants can be placed in the jawbone for the outer two teeth, followed by the placement and securing of a bridge of three crowns.


Complete dental restoration

Two options are available for a full mouth restoration. A bridge consisting of 12 teeth can be supported by six dental implants for the first time. Alternately, a complete set of removable dentures can be supported by four implants.

Who needs Dental Implants?

Dental implants can accomplish a great deal, and there are numerous reasons why someone would choose to get them. In addition to their benefits, the following are a few reasons why a person might choose to get dental implants: They can enhance one's appearance.


Since dental implants are designed to mimic the look and feel of natural teeth, they can significantly enhance the appearance of your smile. Additionally, dental implants fuse with bone, rendering them permanent. Dental implants can enhance oral health.


Unlike tooth-supported bridges, dental implants do not necessitate the reduction of adjacent teeth. Your oral health will be significantly better in the long run if more of your natural teeth are preserved. Individual dental implants can also enhance oral hygiene by facilitating access between teeth. They're sturdy


As long as you take proper care of them, dental implants are incredibly robust and long-lasting, and should last a lifetime. They alleviate eating difficulties.


Dentures can sometimes slip and make eating difficult. A dental implant, on the other hand, functions identically to a natural tooth, which means you will never again experience difficulties while eating. Implants are more comfortable than removable dentures.



Dental implants are as much a part of you as the rest of your natural teeth. Therefore, dental implants eliminate the discomfort and pain that removable dentures can cause. Dental implants are more convenient than removable dentures


As the name implies, removable dentures are removable and relatively inconvenient (especially when you have to remove them around company). Permanent dental implants, on the other hand, cannot be extracted. This eliminates the need for unneeded difficulties or messy adhesives to keep them in place. Dental implants can enhance speech.


Any dentures that do not fit properly will cause speech to become slurred or difficult to understand. This is eliminated by dental implants, allowing you to speak freely without fear of difficulty. Dental implants can significantly improve your confidence and self-esteem.


The ability of dental implants to restore your smile and boost your confidence and self-esteem is perhaps the best reason of all to get implants. No one desires missing teeth or to have to wear uncomfortable dentures. Dental implants can return you to a normal state of health and restore your smile.

Dental Implants. Explained.

As long as they are missing a tooth, the majority of people will qualify for dental implants. In general, however, your dentist will want you to meet the following criteria before considering you a suitable candidate for dental implants: Your gums are healthy.


The dental implants must sit nicely and be well supported within the gums, so individuals with gum disease are probably not good candidates for dental implants. You possess excellent oral health.


It is important to maintain good oral health, but this is not necessarily related to tooth loss. It is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day, and those who smoke, drink excessively, or have uncontrolled diabetes will have a much lower success rate with dental implants. You are able to maintain excellent oral health.


It's one thing to have good oral health, but you'll also need to be able to maintain it after your implants have been placed. A commitment to oral health will prevent further tooth problems or conditions, so be sure to brush and floss regularly, use mouthwash, and treat your implant as you would any other tooth. Good bone density


A high bone density is essential for the success of your implant. In order for the implant to be supported adequately by the jawbone, a sufficient quantity of bone is required. For this reason, dental implants are typically not considered for children until they are older.


Dental Implants. Are you suitable?

There are several factors that may disqualify you for dental implant surgery, including conditions that increase the risk of implant failure. Some examples include: Cigarette use and excessive drinking


Smokers will experience a reduction in blood flow to the gums and surrounding tissues, and smoking may prevent the implant from integrating with the jawbone, resulting in an unstable root. In addition, excessive drinking hinders and impairs the gums' ability to heal. Gum disease


Patients with gum disease will first require treatment, as severe gum disease will eventually result in jawbone loss and implant instability. The grinding of teeth


A mouth guard will be required for those who grind their teeth to prevent porcelain or ceramic crowns from chipping.

Why choose Turkey?

In the United Kingdom, dental surgery can be prohibitively expensive, and as the world shrinks and travel becomes more affordable, an increasing number of patients are seeking dental care abroad when they require expensive procedures. Turkey is one of the most frequently mentioned countries, and there are many incredible reasons for this. Turkey is the place to go for affordable prices, the best dentists, and some of the most stringent medical guidelines and standards. The following are a few of the incredible reasons why so many individuals travel to Turkey for dental implants or any other type of surgery. — You will receive only the finest international care during your stay — Each year, thousands of successful dental implants are placed in Turkey — You don't have to worry about your dental implant aftercare coming to an end if you leave the country — it will continue until you return. The cost of having dental implants installed in Turkey is significantly lower than in the United Kingdom — Every aspect of the industry strives to be the best — In Turkey, some of the strictest medical regulations must be followed at all times — Every day, a growing number of clinics attain international accreditation; there are countless dentists of the highest calibre working throughout Turkey.


Your trip with NextGen.

The unrivalled quality of care you will receive is one of the best reasons to travel to Turkey for dental implants, along with the opportunity to visit Turkey.


Since you'll essentially be on vacation while receiving treatment, every effort will be made to make this the best vacation possible, which is why you'll receive some incredible perks as part of your all-inclusive treatment package.


You will have access to 5* luxury accommodations, VIP transfers from the airport to your hotel and the clinic for your treatment, a designated patient coordinator available 24/7, and your own translator to assist you as needed. Because receiving dental implants won't be the most pleasant experience, every effort will be made to ensure that your time in Turkey is as comfortable, relaxing, and ultimately enjoyable as possible, devoid of any unnecessary stress.

World leaders in Medical Tourism.

Thousands of successful dental implants are placed annually. Turkey is one of the best countries in the world in terms of success rates for surgical procedures. Since so many patients travel to the United States for dental implants and other procedures, surgeons are gaining more and more experience, becoming some of the most experienced in the world. This experience leads to increasingly successful procedures and greater outcomes, which in turn attracts more patients, and the cycle continues.


NextGen aftercare.

Even though your procedure has been completed and it is time for you to go home, your care has not yet concluded. This could not be further from the truth, as your personal NextGen assistant is available via phone, email, instant message, or video call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Your personal assistant will be available to assist you with whatever you require, regardless of whether you're experiencing difficulties, have encountered complications, or simply have questions.

NextGen Cost vs the UK.

The cost is one of the most popular reasons why so many individuals travel to Turkey for a variety of surgical procedures.

Surgical costs in Turkey are typically a fraction of those in the United Kingdom, and dental implants are no exception. For example, the average cost of a single dental implant in the United Kingdom is between £2,000 and £2,500, but this does not include additional fees for consultations, medications, and post-operative care.


However, in Turkey, prices begin at only £440. You can rest assured that the price difference has nothing to do with the quality of the products. With the cost of factors such as labour and medications being so much higher in the United Kingdom compared to Turkey, the need for high profits is much more pressing in the United Kingdom. In addition, because the surgical industry as a whole is such a significant contributor to Turkey's economy, the government provides subsidies to the industry to encourage more and more tourists to come for dental, cosmetic, and other surgical procedures.


5-star treatment.

Due to the large number of patients who travel to the country each year for a variety of procedures, the competition in Turkey is incredibly fierce. Consequently, every individual, clinic, and hospital constantly strives to be the best and come out on top. In addition, competition continues beyond the country's borders, as Turkey strives to maintain its standing internationally.


For this reason, Turkey has devoted itself to continuous research, the development of cutting-edge surgical methods and techniques, and the pursuit of the most advanced state-of-the-art technologies.

Internationally accredited clinic.

Turkey is also one of the best destinations for dental implant surgery due to the extremely stringent medical regulations that everyone in the industry must adhere to at all times. The Turkish Ministry of Health has established these regulations, and they conduct frequent surprise inspections to ensure that they are strictly adhered to.


Whether it's ensuring that all sterilisation and decontamination standards for equipment and environments are being adhered to correctly, ensuring that all dentists and their medical teams are fully credible, certified, and licenced to be practising, or simply ensuring that all patients are receiving an adequate level of care, you can rest assured that Turkey's standards are among the most stringent in the world.


Meet the next gen team.

The next gen team has been supporting patients from all over the world for the last five years, and the importance of patient satisfaction sits at the heart of everything we do.


In the interest of transparency, our team travel the length of the UK, hosting open evenings in major cities, where we get to know our patients, answer questions relating to the procedures and present to you precisely what you can expect from the next gen process.

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