DHI- Direct Hair Implantation - NextGen


Direct Hair Implantation

DHI is a relatively new hair transplant procedure. However, this method of hair transplant has already become the most popular preference for people. While the graft extraction process is similar to FUE, there are then some significant differences; the individually extracted hair follicles are securely positioned into an implanter tool, also known as a Choi Implanter Pen, and implanted directly into the recipient area. With DHI, the creation of the canals and implantation happen simultaneously. It leaves no visible scars, guarantees greater density and has a significantly higher hair growth success rate. If this hair transplant method is carried out by qualified and well-experienced technicians, nurses and doctors, then results should look incredibly natural. This is primarily due to them having greater control over the direction of hair growth, which is the key to producing the perfect hairline. Clini-Care will only ever recommend these professional teams to its clients and will also ensure that design is adhered to.



    In DHI hair transplant technique, hair follicles taken from the donor area are transported to the area to be transplanted with a tool called implanter without opening the channel. Thus, the steps of opening the channel and transferring the collected hair follicles to the opened channels are done in a single step. This is the most important feature of the DHI technique that differs from the FUE technique.
    It has a thin and cylindrical tip in the implanter shape. It is quite sharp. This Choi needle is shaped like a channel. Hair follicles are placed along the canal and placed on the needle. The reason why DHI technique is called as Choi method is due to this feature of the needle.


    • The cut area is less. In this way, the risk of bleeding is minimized.
    • -The DHI Technique minimizes the length of time your hair follicles stay out. In this way, hair follicles do not lose their vitality and transplant takes place in a healthier way.
    • -Unshaved hair transplant is easier.
    • -Hair follicles have a higher survival rate.
    • -Recovery is faster. In this way, the patient returns to his daily work faster.
    • -With the DHI pen, angle and orientation become quite easy.

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    The next gen team has been supporting patients from all over the world for the last five years, and the importance of patient satisfaction sits at the heart of everything we do.


    In the interest of transparency, our team travel the length of the UK, hosting open evenings in major cities, where we get to know our patients, answer questions relating to the procedures and present to you precisely what you can expect from the next gen process.

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